Topic outline

  • The consortium wants to demonstrate the technological and economic feasibility of reconfigurable mobile cobotic production assistants (CPA) that can flexibly be used at different workstations/machines to take over certain repetitive tasks of the operator. The operator's responsibility will hence shift to ownership of the cell focusing amongst others on quality control and time-based planning of the cell to assure ultra-short lead times (quick response manufacturing). Possible benefits: The implementation of reconfigurable cobotic production assistants allows Malmar to 1) Automate certain repetitive/manual tasks (target at least 50%) such that operators can focus on value-adding tasks (improving quality: at least 25% scrap rate reduction), 2) Create a human-centered work environment where job content is more attractive, and 3) Produce small series of products in a cost/time efficient way (target: 10% order increase).

    Some more details about RECOPRODAS Demonstration

    More info: TRINITY Website (RECOPRODAS)

  • Project Results