Topic outline

    • Time: 2h
    • Language: English
    • Access: Free
    • Level: Basic

  • Introduction of the training

    EDI WSN/IoT TestBed is a 100+ node heterogeneous sensor network and wireless sensor network testbed distributed around 7 floor building for validation and research in sensor network and wireless network protocols. It is located in EDI premises in Riga, Latvia and consists of 2 parts:

    1. EDI indoor WSN/IoT TestBed (100 nodes)
    2. EDI mobile WSN/IoT TestBed (50 nodes)

    The users will get the basic knowledge about WSN and IoT developing and testing. This module will offer an overview and understanding of WSN/IoT testbed usage for developing and debugging capabilities, introducing the users on paradigms used in the WSN/IoT community and EDI TestBed. The architecture and inner workings of the TestBed will be explained to such a detail that the users will be able to understand what exactly their interactions with the TestBed do and how to manage their workflow in sync with the TestBed. The user after the training will be able to use the EDI WSN/IoT TestBed at advanced level.

    The training materials will be categorized in three sections:

    • Presentation: Describe the needs that this module satisfies and training methodology description
    • Video/Tutorial: Short videos showcasing the most common use cases of the EDI WSN/IoT TestBed
    • Document: Guide for general objectives of use of EDI WSN/IoT TestBed as well as detailed instructions about the tools usage from practical perspective

  • Key Users / Stakeholders

    Universities, Research Institutes, Students, Technology providers, System integrators, Engineers, IT personnel

  • Requirements

    Basic understanding of WSN/IoT concepts and basic WSN/IoT programming skills.  Knowledge of how to use command line interface.

  • Training Part 1

  • Training Part 2

  • Training Part 3